Facing the Unknown in an Era of Globalization: Insights on China and the USA Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic Apr 20, 2020

That eerie sensation creeping into the consciousness of those living in China – both citizens and foreigners alike in late January – has now spread throughout the world like a cold hand suddenly touching your neck. 

It makes you shiver and then recoil as you shake off the wave of...

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In Honor of Professor Geert Hofstede ā€“ 1928-2020 geert hofstede Mar 01, 2020

“Oh my!” was my first reaction as I gasped when opening the email.

Upon waking to get the daily news of our world spinning out of control with the coronavirus epidemic in China, I was saddened by this news of our most admired and cherished mentor. As I continued to read the...

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One person's humor can be another's humiliation china cultural difference cultural dimensions Feb 04, 2020

As soon as I saw the satirical cartoon, I could foresee what the Chinese response would be. 

Upset. Insulted. Humiliated.

Chinese officials are demanding an apology from the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, for publishing a Chinese flag with five coronavirus particles on it instead of...

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How to understand culture and formal meetings in China china and culture Jan 21, 2020

Chinese New Year 2020, Year of the Rat, is upon us in Asia!  As part of the celebrations, Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, holds an annual meeting at the The Great Hall of the People, which is on the west of Tiananmen Square in Beijing.  This massive building is where state leaders hold...

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Corporate Cultural Myopia: The need for a new pair of eyeglasses! Nov 26, 2019

Oops – it happened again. A company tried to be humorous with an advertisement but ended up alienating its very audience in the process. This is another case of cultural nearsightedness!

Dolce and Gabbana just had to cancel a major fashion show in Shanghai after producing a...

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Outcomes of the 2018 Miss Universe Competition: Cultural Insensitivity Jan 19, 2019

How the Miss Universe organization can use cross-cultural assessment tools to develop intercultural sensitivity

The 67th Miss Universe pageant was held in Thailand on December 17, 2018. According to the pageant’s website, contestants are supposed to be “confidently...

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Fulbright Finale Nov 26, 2018

Provinces and Regions Visited While on Fulbright Journey

Nineteen provinces/special city regions visited* (Jilin, Liaoning, Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Shanghai, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hong Kong, Hunan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Hubei, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou).

Over fifteen guest lectures given at Universities around the...

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Cultural Sense-Making for Building Bridges Jun 18, 2018

March 20, 2019 U.S. Consulate Presentation in Chengdu, China

This week I was invited to speak once again at the US Consulate in Chengdu. After my year as a Fulbright Scholar at Sichuan University, I decided it was time for a change, so I’ve transitioned from being a full-time academic to part time as I set up my cross-cultural management and...

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